I am creating a Login and Register screen and I want the use to have an option to choose to register with email or phone number.
I am using a radio button for this, and for some reason the function does not change its render when I change the state(the state is for sure changed, I checked it with console.log).
export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { //login email: "", password: "", //register firstName: "", lastName: "", date: new Date(), checked: "Use Email Address", ... } } componentDidMount() { ... Register = Register.bind(this); RadioButton = RadioButton.bind(this); } onRadioChange(label) { if (label === "Use Email Address") { this.setState({ checked: "Use Email Address"}) console.log('test2') } else { this.setState({ checked: "Use Phone Number" }) console.log('test') console.log(this.state.checked) } } render() { return (<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Login"><Stack.Screen name="Login" component={Login} options={{ headerShown: false }} /><Stack.Screen name="Register" component={Register} options={{ headerShown: false }} /></Stack.Navigator> ) }}function RadioButton(label) { return (<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 5, marginBottom: 5 }}><TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.onRadioChange(label) }} style={{ height: 24, width: 24, borderRadius: 12, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#FF9C09', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }}> { this.state.checked === label ?<View style={{ height: 10, width: 10, borderRadius: 5, backgroundColor: '#FF9C09', }} /> : null }</TouchableOpacity><Text style={{ marginLeft: 10, fontFamily: 'open-sans-regular' }}>{label}</Text></View> );}function Register({navigation}) { ... return( ... {RadioButton("Use Email Address")} {RadioButton("Use Phone Number")} ... )}
I guess this has something to do with the lifecycles? I mean I am updating the state and I binded this
with function RadioButton
Note: When it's first loaded it shows "Use Email Address" as checked correctly. It just does not change when I check "Use Phone Number".
Any help would be very much appreciated.