I have added two localization file (arabic and english) in my react native application file names like ar.json and en.json.
My en.json file looks like
"fieldNames": {"enterEmail" : "Enter the email address" },
My ar.json file looks like
"fieldNames": {"enterEmail" : "أدخلعنوانالبريدالإلكتروني" },
My string/index.js file looks like below:
import * as Localization from 'expo-localization';import i18n from 'i18n-js';import en from './en.json';import ar from './ar.json';i18n.fallbacks = true;i18n.translations = { en, ar };i18n.locale = Localization.locale;export const string = value => i18n.t(value);export default i18n;
One of the file I used like the following
Localization is working fine with both languages.
But when I choose arabic its not aligned to right side in iOS.
In my android device its working properly.This issue appear only in iOS .
Could you please help me to resolve the issue