I am trying to getting data from API using axios.
This is my code that makes a get request :
export const loadBloodGroups = () => { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: LOADING_BLOOD }); const url = `http://www.example.org/api/bloodgroup/getusersbloodgroup`; axios.get(url) .then(response => loadingSuccess(dispatch, response)) .catch(error => loadingFail(dispatch, error)); };};const loadingFail = (dispatch, error) => { console.log(error); dispatch({ type: LOADING_BLOOD_FAIL, payload: error });};const loadingSuccess = (dispatch, response) => { dispatch({ type: LOADING_BLOOD_SUCCESS, payload: response });};
info.plist setup for http :
It works fine in android emulator, but IOS simulator is not working.
In my browser debug console it shows :
and Mac terminal it shows :
Can anybody tell me, where I made mistake ? or should I need to do any other configuration for IOS?
My platform:
- OS: Mac 10.13
- node: 10.7
- npm: 6.3.0
- react: 16.4.1
- react-native: 0.55