I'm using react-native-push-notification
, but I have a problem.
With IOS simulator
or android emulator
, Everything works well.
But with real iphone device
, push notification doesn't work. (on release mode or on debug mode, both are not worked.
Here is my setting.
I check Capabilities
/Background Modes
/Remote notification
And PushNotification.configure
import React from 'react';import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';import { Auth} from '../config/router';import './ReactotronConfig';export default class App extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.PushConfigure(); } PushConfigure() { PushNotification.configure({ onNotification: (notification) => { console.log('NOTIFICATION:', JSON.stringify(notification)); }, permissions: { alert: true, badge: true, sound: true, }, popInitialNotification: true, requestPermissions: true, }); } render() { return <Auth />; }}
And when I have to push notification
const date = new Date(Date.now()); PushNotification.localNotificationSchedule({ title: '메세지가도착했습니다.', message: `${data.user._id}: ${data.text}`, date, actions: 'Yes', });
As I said before, notification works well on all simulator
(Xcode IOS, android).
But I don't know why notification doesn't work on real IOS device
If you want more environment or settings on my project, please comment.
Update -
I didn't register on Apple Developer Program
Is that reason why I can't use notification on real IOS device?