I'm trying to open a file to be linked to another app (Instagram) on my iPhone. I edit this video file so i'm not getting it directly from my camera roll, but i have a link to it locally which i've logged on my physical device below:
"private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/(Long filename).mp4"
What i'm trying to to with this is:
shareToApp = (uri) => {
amendedURI = 'file://' + uri;
let encodedURL = encodeURIComponent(amendedURI);
let instagramURL = 'instagram://library?AssetPath=${' + encodedURL + '}';
return Linking.openURL(instagramURL);
but the screen where you share to 'Feed' or 'Stories' doesn't display my video.
Is there something in the uri path which prevents me from achieving this?