While trying to build my react-native app it is failing with errors:
Error starts at: appname_rnative_app_Test 3 issues
1) No account for team "johndoecompany@gmail.com". Add a new account in the Accounts preference pane or verify that your accounts have valid credentials
2) No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "johndoecompany@gmail.com" with a private key was found.
3) Code signing is required for product type 'Unit Test Bundle' in SDK 'iOS 13.2'
I've made sure in the Apple Developer portal under:
- Certificates - Generate APS and APNS certificates along with Development and Distribution certificates
- Identifiers - Have my app bundle id registered
- Devices - registered physical iPhone XR device
- Profiles - Generated both Development and App Store provisioning certificates
MacBook pro - Logged in with my personal apple id Xcode - Have added both personal and johndoecompany@gmail.com apple id in account
When I am building the app it fails with the above 2 errors, please help me resolve it I've been stuck on this issue since a week.