I want to resume video second time from the same time interval from which I left last time. But when I'm opening player for the second time, it either take longer time than the usual or (and mostly) it throws kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventError
Not sure what and why it's happening. Following is my pseude code to resume the video.
Can anyone please help on this? In the native docs also, there is not much info is mentioned which can be of help. So do let me know if anyone has input on this one?
Here is the link for brightcove-ios-native SDK
func seekToTimeWithSeconds(seconds:Double) {
let seekToTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, preferredTimescale: 60000)
playbackController?.seek(to: seekToTime, completionHandler: { [weak self] (finished: Bool) in