Currently I'm developing an app with a picker on it and I'm using picker component from react native but it doesn't work perfectly on iOS device so I found a custom picker using picker and modal it renders a modal on iOS only. Here is the code
class PickerWrapper extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
type_absen: '',
modal: false,
render() {
let picker;
let iosPickerModal = (
<Modal isVisible={this.state.modal} hideModalContentWhileAnimating={true} backdropColor={color.white} backdropOpacity={0.9} animationIn="zoomInDown" animationOut="zoomOutUp" animationInTiming={200} animationOutTiming={200} onBackButtonPress={() => this.setState({ modal: false })} onBackdropPress={() => this.setState({ modal: false })} ><View style={{ backgroundColor: color.white, width: 0.9 * windowWidth(), height: 0.3 * windowHeight(), justifyContent: 'center' }}><Picker
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => {
this.setState({ type_absen: itemValue });
this.setState({ modal: false });
setTimeout(() => this.props.onSelect(itemValue), 1200);
{, key) => <Picker.Item label={item} value={item} key={key} />)}</Picker></View></Modal>);
if (Platform.OS === 'ios')
return (<View style={}>
{iosPickerModal}<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.setState({ modal: true })}><View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', height: this.props.height ? this.props.height : normalize(40), width: this.props.width ? this.props.width : 0.68 * windowWidth(), borderWidth: 1, borderColor:, alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5 }}><Text style={{ fontSize: fontSize.regular, marginRight: 30 }}> {this.state.type_absen}</Text><IconWrapper name='md-arrow-dropdown' type='ionicon' color={color.light_grey} size={20} onPress={() => this.setState({ modal: true })} style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 10 }} /></View></TouchableOpacity></View >);
return (<View style={} ><Picker
style={{ height: this.props.height ? this.props.height : normalize(20), width: this.props.width ? this.props.width : normalize(150) }}
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => {
this.setState({ type_absen: itemValue });
{, key) => <Picker.Item label={item} value={item} key={key} />)}</Picker></View>);
PickerWrapper.propTypes = {
onSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired
export default PickerWrapper;
I successfully load the data from api, but I still confused on how to get the value from it, and here is my old code using picker component
onValueChange={(val) => this.setState({ type_absen: val })}>
this.props.schedules ?, key) => {
return <Picker.Item value={} label {item.description} key={} />})
} </Picker>
and this is my new code using the PickerWrapper
export const mapStateToProps = state => ({
token: state.authReducer.token,
message: state.authReducer.message,
schedules: state.authReducer.schedules
export const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
actionsAuth: bindActionCreators(authAction, dispatch)
class Change extends Component {
type_absen: [],
onPickerValueChange=(value, index)=>{
this.setState({type_absen: value},
() => {
Alert.alert("type_absen", this.state.type_absen);
render() {
return (<View style={styles.container}><View style={styles.container}><View style={styles.innerContainer}> <PickerWrapper items={ => item.description )} onSelect={this.onPickerValueChange} /></View> </View></View>
what I'm trying to do is get the
. How do I do that in my PickerWrapper component?