I'am learnin react-native and I need create cookie but I can't. when I doing android app
I create cookie This CookieMAnager.getInstance().setCookie(Url,"pushtoken="+Token);
And webpage request this response.write Request.Cookies("pushtoken")
and showing my token on page. but react-native cannot set cookie I try all cookie manager for ios this is react-native code
name: 'myCookie',
value: 'myValue',
domain: 'some domain',
origin: 'some origin',
path: '/',
version: '1',
expiration: '2030-05-30T12:30:00.00-05:00'
}).then((res) => {
console.log('CookieManager.set =>', res);
if I import this community cookies this code error RNCookieManagerIOS.set was called with 2 arguments but expect 1 arguments.
if import this react-native-cookies this is not error but my web page cannot showing cookies but react native console showing get all cookies
"myCookie": {"domain": "some domain", "name": "myCookie", "path": "/", "value": "myValue"}} this