I used react navigation 4.0.10 and it's little bit complicated app with nested navigator. Currently it's performing relatively well except that When I try to navigate it very fast, it will crash. The error message is
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.state')
The structure is
-bottomTapNavigator(Home, Scan; Scan is a stackNavigator)
--ScanNavigator(stackNavigator, parent for ScanScreen and JourneyNavigator[tabNavigator])
---ScanScreen(Real page, initial screen of ScanNavigator, having buttons to navigate(HomeScreen) and navigate(JourneyNavigator))
---JourneyNavigator(TabNavigator, including ScreenTest1 and ScreenTest2; having header with back button navigate(ScanScreen) for both ScreenTest1 and ScreenTest2;)
---ScreenTest1(Real page)
---ScreenTest2(Real page, does not matter in this case)
what I do is tap ScanNavigator[ScanScreen]->ScreenTest1->ScanScreen(tap navigation button quickly here)->HomeScreen
In such case, the app will crash. If i do it with normal pace then it's fine.
Any help or direction is welcome.
I'm 100 percent certain it's something to do with resetOnBlur setting. When it set to false, the issue gone. Help please.