Short description: I get push notification from twilio chat. But in my app I use 4 different chats (channels). So when I get field "bage" from notification it just show count of chats with new messages, but not amount of messages.
How can I get the sum of unread messages from all chats?
More info:
- I use react-native 0.61.2 but I write native code too;
- During the work I have used this tutorial TwilioChatReactNative;
- For indicate unreaded messages I use Message Consumption Horizon;
- The way of connection to chat (only react part) the close to this Connect to chat;
- In theory I can get set bage himself, but for me this function don't work in background;
- Also I have tried to use this library react-native-notification but it didn't help too.
- I subscribe to pushNotification with this method
client.setPushRegistrationId('apn', token);
- When I use twilio notify and set "bage" by hand all work good, but notification from chat twilio do by himself.
Summary: I need one decision from this list (or something else, I open for offers):
- Say twilio send me sum of unread messages from all chats;
- Way how update "bage" from background;
- New way of subscribing to channels to get the sum of messages in "bage".
Thanks to everyone who will respond